Thursday 15 September 2011

Amazing Accomplishments. . . .Amazing Women

As I hauled myself up for a run this morning, I checked all my social media outlets (ok maybe I only have 2) and I was struck by a tweet I received from Swim Canada.  As many of you know, I have been quite involved in swimming since my son started swimming in 1999 and my daughter started the year after.  Throughout the years, I questioned myself as to how "involved" I should be.  How much of a helicopter Mom am I?  If you asked my kids and my husband, they would roll their eyes and reply, "It should be an Olympic sport, then maybe Mom would make the team!!"

Fortunately, the sport of swimming has had a long history and there have many people that have gone before me to lead the way.  One of these leaders that actually help me register my kids in the stands beside the pool as they took their first strokes was Ollie Currie.  She explained to me what a huge commitment it is to get up early, drive them to the pool, time at swim meets, work bingos, and on and on and on. . . .  I asked her which one of the swimmers in the water was hers...."Oh, my kids finished swimming 15 years ago" she replied.  Hold the Phone!!!  Here is this woman giving her time to register new families and she doesn't even have a kid in the water.  Right then and there I knew I had to get to know this person better.

Over the 10+ years as a swim volunteer, I had the privilege to work with Ollie on many projects.  We organized meets, procured sponsors, timed on deck and had a great time doing it.  Tomorrow, Ollie will be receiving the Order of Canada at a special ceremony in Ottawa (check out  Since 1967, more than 5000 people have been inducted into this special club.  A tear still comes to my eye, even as I write this, to think what a huge difference she has made to this sport and to her community.

Clearly, Ollie is a great inspiration to us all and very diva - like but what can us mortals take from this?  Whenever I am touched by greatness, be it athletic or otherwise, I try to find the piece in it that I can apply to my everyday.  What can I do today that will inspire me and those around me?

I know what Ollie would say, "Just get out there and get it done!"  Pretty simple really. . . .

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