Wednesday 16 January 2013

Here we go . . . .Again

Hello Divas,

Helloooooo out there!  I can hear the deafening echo of no followers for this blog.  Yes, Norma, this is what happens when you don't write for awhile.  If you have been checking back regularly to see if I am still writing, thank you!  If not, I guess I will work to get you back :)

What do we do as women when we drop habits?  Granted, dropping bad habits is probably beneficial but what about the good ones?  What does the road back to these good (ok well better) habits look like?  It is a topic we don't broach often.  Hmm. . . .I wonder why

The road map back is not well marked if it even exists.  I have chosen a theme for 2013 as The Year of the Authentic Me.  I invite you to join me on the journey. . . I may not be the best guide but one thing sure. . . .it will be fun!