Monday 2 September 2013

Happy New Year Divas!

Good morning Ladies

Don't bother checking your calendars as it is not January but it is a new year ..... For teachers, students and tridivas!  This is the time of year that I take stock, re-evaluate my goals and look ahead.  I have had a slight hiatus (bit of an exaggeration) but I am back thanks to a recent reading (ok this morning) of another blog that basically put TNT under my butt to get writing.

As usual, I  want to leap ahead and plan every post for the next few months.  Most times, I think this is what holds me back from sitting down to write.  My brain says " MUST HAVE A PLAN" and my heart whispers "Just go with it". Who wins determines the length of the post and possibly its quality.

Ok Divas. What will be the topics for the coming weeks?  Fall is my favourite time of year to train and generally be outside. The rumours are true....I am officially out of retirement and I am anxious to see what this 'seasoned' triathlete can put together (it may take more than a village!) in order to race next year (or maybe this year).  I will be sharing my training successes, failures and everything in between There will definitely be a post on my amazing summer and all the classic 'Norma' escapades (some scary stuff, ladies!)

I am sure my following has dwindled but I will do my best to win you back and keep you interested (WOW, sounds like a lame online dating profile.....). So let's begin Fall 2013 - The Season of Authentic Training

Train Hard . . . . . Have fun out there!