Friday 2 March 2012

The Value of a Coach

Hello Readers,

I sincerely apologize for the long absence (Ok maybe it just felt that way).  I guess it took me longer to recover from my last post than originally anticipated.  As usual, I gathered my inspiration for this post from a recent trip and a hot shower, of course.

My training usually follows a predictable pattern.  I join a few groups with coaches/trainers and often, I over-schedule and find myself wondering why I committed to so much.  Sound familiar?  It has taken me a long time to find that great balance between structured, coach-driven programs and on-my-own tailor-made for me, hunker-down in my basement training (enough hyphens?).  The one common element is 'a coach'.  As much as I like to think I know everything about the swim/bike/run part of my life, I continue to benefit from a coach.

Good coaches see potential where we see barriers.

Good coaches know when to push and when to back off.

Good coaches read your mood before you hit the lanes, track or oval.

I have learned something from every coach I ever had.  Many years ago, I was at a sports banquet where a coach was being honoured for their work with a particular athlete.  Upon receiving his award, he was asked to speak to us.  Before embarking on a long diatribe of what made his program produce greatness, the first thing he did impressed me.  He asked all the coaches that had ever worked with this particular athlete to stand and be acknowledged.  She had had a long history with this club spanning more than 15 years and so slowly, people started standing up.  There were at least 5 coaches that had some influence of her development.  Very cool!!

Last weekend, I attended a national level swim meet and while working on deck, a swimmer approached me and asked how long she had to remove herself from a particular race.  She did not want to swim it.  Her coach happen to be beside us and I quoted the rule about scratching and then I left her with her coach.  I have no idea what her coach said and maybe he didn't even change her mind but I did see her later, racing.  She ended up setting a new record for her school and a new personal best.  When I asked her later if she was happy she raced, she looked at me sheepishly and nodded yes.

I would like to think that the coach had some pearls of wisdom.

Sometimes, the mere presence of a coach makes us do things that we didn't think we were capable of.  Just as having a buddy to train with so goes the advantage of having a coach to encourage us, provide us with feedback, cajole us, tease us and celebrate with us when goals are reached.

Do you have a great coach story?  Share, Share Share. . . .Hope you have a great weekend :)

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