Monday 12 March 2012

Training Buddy Behaviour

Happy New Week!

Make sure you read all the way to the end of this post so you don't miss an important Diva announcement.

As a mother, I discussed proper behaviour with my kids on a regular basis during their upbringing.  If you asked them, I am sure they would say I nagged but I always viewed it as friendly advice.  One of my topics was good roommate behaviour.  I guess I imagined a day that they would be sharing a space with a college buddy or significant other.  We all have secret alone time behaviour that can get us into to trouble (socially) so I thought I was being helpful.

How does this translate into training?  In a previous blog titled Training Malaise, I mentioned the benefit of having a training buddy.  This can be a great motivator but only if the relationship is mutually beneficially.  Are you a good training buddy?  Take the following quiz to check YOUR compatibility:

When asked to describe your temperament to a buddy, you would say you are:

A.  Totally easy to get along with. . . .up for anything.
B.  Absolutely count-on-able. . . in fact, a bit controlling if we miss a workout.
C.  Highly competitive and don't really get the camaraderie thing.
D.  What's a buddy?

When you have arranged to meet for a workout with your buddy you arrive on time:

A.  Most of the time.
B.  Some of the time.
C.  On time. . .Is that important?
D.  Almost never which in theory makes me reliable :)

Your mutual coach puts out a rather difficult set of exercises to do so you say to your training buddy:

A.  "We can do this!  Let's work together and get it done."
B.  "I will buy coffee if we leave right now!"
C.  "WTF"
D.  See answer C

After a disappointing performance during workout, your buddy leaves dejected and in a huff, you:

A.  Text her an uplifting quote. . . .and a smiley emoticon :)
B.  Run after her and give her crap for the lousy output.
C.  Send her love and acceptance. . . .it might be you next time.
D.  Give her space. . . .she will be back and better than before.

Okay, it may not be the most reliable or statistically sound test ever given but the point is clear.  Be the buddy you want to have as a buddy.  Remember the sisterhood!

The Diva announcement:  If you live in the Edmonton area (and I know most of you do), I am starting a Sunday Ride as soon as the weather permits.  It will be open to all abilities and ages and will feature a lovely coffee and chat afterwards.  Send me your email details (to my email or through the blog) and I will let you know when it starts.  Who knows. . . . you might find that awesome training buddy :)

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