Thursday 3 November 2011

What is coming up at TDN

Happy Thursday,

This is a housekeeping post just to keep you in the loop and let you know about what is coming up.

There was great response from the "Mean Girls" post and I realized that there are a lot of divas out there reading me even though they are not 'actively' participating on the blog.  I guess this is one of the realities of the virtual life.  We need to trust that our messages are being sent and received at some level. (Kind of like Jodie Foster in Contact - one of my favs!).  Anyway, I digress. . . . just keep sending me ideas, posts or just positive vibes!

As for what is coming up:

Plans are in the works for some triathlon product reviews where I will give the straight goods about everything from apparel to equipment.  Stay tuned to find out what is the latest and greatest!

I had a brilliant idea (ok maybe I am the only one who thought it was great) to do some training group reviews.  Just as the foodies go around to restaurants, eat and then critique, I was thinking I could do the same for local workout groups (swim training, spin classes, run groups, etc.)  If you know of some good places or places you have wondered about but never bothered to check out, let me know.  I will probably start with my own favourites but who knows, I might show up at your workout (be afraid. . . .be very afraid!!)

I have lined up a few tridivas to interview so stay tuned, I might even try to add photos (yikes my techno abilities continue to astound!)

I am still hoping for some questions for the Q and A posts so fire away!  I may not have the definitive answer but we can at least start the conversation.

You can email me at or leave a post on the blog.

That's all for now. . . . read me later. . . . alligator.



  1. Norma,
    I loved the "mean girls" post. I think that so many women can relate...I know I can.

    As for the idea to visit different training groups, I love it and would love to come along if it fits my schedule.


  2. I love this blog! You're doing such a great job with this Norma :)

    But in response to visiting different training groups/classes, I think it's FABULOUS!
    In a bit of a lull with my workouts and would love to hear what's new and exciting out there! I'm in search for the right spin class/group for this winter...

