Monday 23 January 2012

Phases and other Musing from the TriDiva desk

Happy Monday,

Again, as I have mentioned many times, I love Mondays!!!  It is the continual opportunity to renew, recommit, refocus, re-whatever.

I have been tossing around some ideas lately and this post may not have much logic to it but as Lesley Gore put it "It's my party. . . ."

Phases - a novel thought and one that most women do not pause to consider often enough.  As I saunter down my path, I find myself thinking more about how much women are in a hurry.  Grow up, get schooled, get married (or not), get a career, get fit, get fast, get kids (or not), and on and on.  When do we get to take stock, celebrate, change focus or even just breathe!  Are we acknowledging our phases?  Are we learning from each phase of our lives?

Ok, Ok maybe a bit heavy for Monday morning but what about our tri-life?  Does it have phases?  I know that since I started training and racing, I have definitely moved through phases.

My first phase was probably called Belief - can I really do this?  Each race, each new distance during this chapter was a new frontier to conquer.  It was exciting and let's face it, a new PB every time I hit the start line was so motivating!  That lasted a good long time as I kept trying new road races, cycling events, triathlons, relays, swim meets and so on.

At some point, Goals took over as the next phase forcing me to look to making teams and not just showing up for the party.  Top 10 in my age group, national age group member, Boston qualifier. . . .all of these I put in my bag of experience as they forced me to go where no Diva (well this Diva, anyway) had gone before (can you hear the Star Trek theme?).  I learned a lot about myself (the good and the not-so-good).  One of the most important things I learned was I can't do this tri-thing or life, for that matter, in isolation.  I hired a coach, I found a training group and when I couldn't find what I needed, I created it.  It was a busy time. . .full of travel and discovery.

I have landed now in Acceptance which is new for me (kinda like Mondays!).  I don't know what this new phase will bring but all my racing and training has brought me to this place.  I raced over the weekend for the first time in almost 2 years.  It was a blast!  Not because it was fast or because of my placing but for the coffee afterwards and the great stories that came from my posse.  I don't have anything else to prove and all I want to do is lift others up through my experience.

Thank you Divas for sharing this journey with me and I hope you come along as I open up this new box. . . . 

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