Monday 13 February 2012

Perfectly Imperfect

Hello Readers!!

I have had a week to consider topics and listen in on some conversations; not in a stalker way but more anthropologically.  I have come to an interesting realization:  we all seem to be striving for perfection.

I know what you are thinking, "Really, you are just getting that now?  How long have been a sister?"  I guess it all started many years ago when I trained regularly with this righteous group of Divas.  It was actually where the group TriDiva came from (you know who you are!).  I was in the showers (I had some of my best chats under that water :) and a lady asked me, "why do you do this tri-thing?".  As usual, I had my witty response, "Well, for weight-loss, of course!"  A chorus of laughter ensued from my sister divas as anyone who trains knows that the more you train and focus on a goal, the less important are the 'ego' driven motivations.  Our definition of perfection shifts to personal bests, rankings in our age-group, beating that one gal and maybe, eventually, to that elusive, higher plane goal of having the 'perfect race'.

But actually, this perfection thing seems to seep into all parts of our lives.  Here is what I heard this past week:

"I wish my hair was naturally straight."
"I wish mine was curly."
"I wish I had a flat stomach"
"I wish I had no hips"

Wow!  Is it possible that we are perfect the way we are?  I know, I know. . . you have heard that from your Mom, or some caring mentor, or your bff but what if it is actually true?  As a mother of a daughter, I am acutely aware of how my attitudes affect her and her friends.  I always tried to be a role model for her and by that I mean an authentic role model.  One that maybe struggled with her perfection or perceived imperfection but carried on.  I got a great reminder from my daughter this week when she sent me:

And then this,

'Nuf Said. . . .Cheers :)


  1. Hi guys. I had to add this quote I ran across:
    Better to do something imperfectly than do nothing flawlessly. - R Schuller

    Happy valentine's to all :)

  2. Hi All,
    I had a question in the lanes this morning about posting to the blog. Teanne was wondering why her comments have not been showing up. . . .No wonder I feel so alone. The key is to sign in first (look in the upper right hand corner). Try that and hopefully I will hear from you soon :)
